简介: 宣萱JessicaHsuanwillplaytheleadroleof黄福喜-万福楼老板娘,傻大姐性格,思想传统,为人善良,充满爱心,天性乐观,凡事都往好处想,坚信人性是善良的,常常像个母亲一样,对人谆谆善诱;容易“认命”,凡事无所谓,只要不会带来太大伤害,吃点亏,对她来说都没问题,最重要的就是“以和为贵”,然而看似什么都“无所谓”的她, ...[更多]
品红捉了福喜,并变成福喜的样子,在东海和大丰之间进行挑拨,还害得二虎中风入院。灶神被玉帝惩罚,变成了蟑螂。蟑螂与小菲说话,告诉她自己是爸爸,现在的妈妈是品红变的,真的妈妈已经被捉走了,要小菲把真相告诉大家。 Pin Hong captures Fuxi and transform into her likeness. She starts to create trouble for Dong Hai and Dafeng and even causes Er Hu to end up in hospital. Kitchen God is punished and turned into a cockroach. He looks for Xiao Fei and tells her that he is her father. He tells her what Pin Hong has done and asks that she get help from the rest